Wind Farm Maletín: The combination of wind and modern turbines

We believe in decentralized sustainable energy solutions, expanding into wind energy is a natural evolution. Wind Farm Maletín is our first step into another exciting frontier.

Why wind energy?

Wind energy has great potential across the Czech Republic, though some areas are naturally more suitable than others. We can predict and measure wind flow with high accuracy to identify the most optimal locations for these solutions.

At the same time, thanks to advancements in modern technologies and the development of more efficient and quieter turbine designs, we can harness the wind in an even more environmentally friendly way, while increasing energy efficiency.

The number of wind farms in the Czech Republic is expected to grow; and in the foreseeable future, they will play a greater role in the country’s energy mix.

Wind Farm Maletín

The municipality of Maletín is a small village in the Olomouc district with great conditions for a wind energy farm. We acquired this project from a previous investor, who was unable to complete it. Although Wind Farm Maletín is our very first project in this exciting energy sector, we are well-prepared and on track to launch VTE Maletín in October 2025.

Total installed output:  6,6 MW

Number of turbines:  3

Our Partners

Turbines supplier:  Vestas

A wind market leader with over 40 years of expertise, specializing in wind turbine design and development.

Construction firm:  FORTEX AGS

The construction of Wind Farm Maletín is being carried out by a local firm . We prefer to involve local supplier.

Financing:  Česká spořitelna

Our long-term partner has been involved in many of our previous projects over the years. Most recently, they co-financed Energy nest, the most modern power plant in the Czech Republic.

What’s Been Said About Wind Farm Maletín

“The significance of Wind Farm Maletín is undeniable to us. It’s not just about its size, but rather the fact that it opens a new energy sector for us. We were at the forefront of solar power development in the Czech Republic, last year we entered the market with ancillary services, and this year we are expanding into wind energy. I am incredibly proud that we have managed to diversify our portfolio so significantly in such a short period of time.”

More news and press releases

Jsme DECCI. Vytváříme infrastrukturu pro neomezenou energii.

DECCI je energetická skupina, která je jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Od svého počátku vnímáme důležitost inovativních energetických řešení a jejich integraci do našeho každodenního života.

DECCI je energetická společnost se specializací na na velké energetické celky. Jsme jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

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