Battery storage power plants play an important part in the transformation of the energy sector, contributing to the continuing trend of energy production decentralization. The combination of battery storage power plants and renewable energy sources creates a stable energy source with controlled energy distribution. At the time of an energy surplus, energy is accumulated to be distributed in a controlled way at energy peak hours. Large-capacity battery storage power plants will serve as a balance-creating source able to respond to distribution network dispatchers’ requests within seconds.

Large-capacity battery storage power plants

We assist you in designing and constructing large-capacity battery storage power plants. Accumulation of electric energy has the potential to contribute to an expansion of renewable energy sources, particularly photovoltaic power plants and wind turbines. Large batteries store energy from the group’s power plants as well as deal with surplus energy, balancing out the distribution network.

At the time of a surplus of energy, it is necessary to store this excess energy for later use. In contrast, when there is not enough energy in the network, battery storage power plants balance out the differences in the distribution network. Storing energy in batteries as well as other efficient ways of energy accumulation make it possible for energy to be used on an as-needed basis.

Innovative energy solutions

High-capacity battery systems will accelerate the expansion of renewable and alternative energy sources in households and companies in the Czech Republic. We support cheaper and, more importantly, healthier way of obtaining electric energy. That is why we use natural sources of energy – photovoltaic power plants, hydroelectric power plants, and wind turbines.

Innovative approaches and legislation

If necessary legislation becomes effective in the Czech Republic, batteries might become a functional part of the country’s energy system. Connected batteries even out substantial differences between peak and off-peak hours in the distribution network. That is why we are founding partners of a new association AKU-BAT CZ, the first association of this sort in the Czech Republic. Our legislation does not currently rely on batteries as a possible energy source although accumulation of energy constitutes the future of modern power engineering. The association seeks to include the term “battery storage power plant” as well as other forms of energy accumulation in legislation.

Energy accumulation boasts a huge potential. If the world is to fulfil its obligations related to adopting low-carbon technologies, it will be necessary to build 20 more gigawatts by 2025. And a recently published study by the International Energy Association expects the capacity of electric energy battery storages will multiply nearly twenty fold over the next ten years.

Jsme DECCI. Vytváříme infrastrukturu pro neomezenou energii.

DECCI je energetická skupina, která je jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Od svého počátku vnímáme důležitost inovativních energetických řešení a jejich integraci do našeho každodenního života.

DECCI je energetická společnost se specializací na na velké energetické celky. Jsme jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Řešení FVE pro firmy

Realizujeme všechny typy instalací na průmyslové, zemědělské objekty, hotely, carporty apod.

Řešení FVE pro domácnosti

Ideální řešení fotovoltaiky na střechách pro domácnosti. Včetně dotace Nová zelená úsporám.