FVE CZECH a.s. and FVE CZECH NOVUM s.r.o. are companies that own, manage and operate photovoltaic power plants designed and built by DECCI a.s. under the common trademark FVE CZECH.
Decci a.s. owns the trademark FVE CZECH under which it designs, builds and operates photovoltaic power plants.
The registered trademark FVE CZECH guarantees a high quality of components and services. It ensures first-rate protocols are observed as a result of which exceptional efficiency and economic results of photovoltaic power plants operation can be achieved.

FVE CZECH: A guarantee of trouble-free PVPP operation

FVE CZECH is a registered trademark representing a sophisticated system of photovoltaic power plant operational diagnostics. This system makes it possible for Decci servis s.r.o. (an affiliate company of Decci a.s.) to promptly identify and repair, on behalf of Decci a.s., operational defects as well as ensure smooth photovoltaic power plant operation from a technical and administrative point of view.

FVE CZECH: Loss minimization and defect prevention

Photovoltaic power plant operation-related know-how, PVPP monitoring and management to the FVE CZECH standards make it possible for owners of photovoltaic power plants to minimize losses caused by a power plant not operating as well as trace the quality of components, particularly photovoltaic array degradation. We cooperate with reputable institutions and respected professionals in the field of photovoltaics with an objective to constantly improve our systems and to incorporate these improvements into the operating systems of the power plants we manage.

FVE CZECH: A complex brand for PVPP construction and management

  • As much as 45 MWp installed under the trademark FVE CZECH in the Czech Republic.
  • FVE CZECH represents a complex technological solution for photovoltaic power plants, sophisticated regulations and protocols related to operation, and efficient power plant control systems.
  • Our own maintenance unit guarantees prompt provision of maintenance services.

Jsme DECCI. Vytváříme infrastrukturu pro neomezenou energii.

DECCI je energetická skupina, která je jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Od svého počátku vnímáme důležitost inovativních energetických řešení a jejich integraci do našeho každodenního života.

DECCI je energetická společnost se specializací na na velké energetické celky. Jsme jedním z průkopníků odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice.

Řešení FVE pro firmy

Realizujeme všechny typy instalací na průmyslové, zemědělské objekty, hotely, carporty apod.

Řešení FVE pro domácnosti

Ideální řešení fotovoltaiky na střechách pro domácnosti. Včetně dotace Nová zelená úsporám.