DECCI a.s.
Decci a.s. is company designing and building photovoltaic power plants in the Czech Republic.
Decci a.s. builds and operates power plants under the trademark FVE CZECH.
As of today, the company has built power plants with a combined power output exceeding 44 MWp (the power output of individual power plants range from 0.5 to 35 MWp).
Major assets of Decci a.s.
- Decci a.s. has been on the photovoltaic market since 2007 and boasts extensive experience building photovoltaic power plants with an output of up to 35 MWp.
- Our philosophy is a combination of quality, safety, modern technologies, responsibility and close cooperation with academic communities.
- While building power plants, it is our priority to minimize environmental impact with a special emphasis on protection of landscape and soil.
- Our affiliate company DECCI servis s.r.o. offers our clients complex services such as operation, maintenance, management and monitoring of PVPPs.
Spolupráce s ČVUT
We have been developing new technologies, visions and strategies jointly with the photovoltaic laboratories of the Czech Technical University in Prague.