The company Decci servis has regularly supported a program for tutoring children in adoptive and foster families.
The tutoring program is offered by the non-profit organization Centrum pro náhradní rodinnou péči o.p.s. (Foster Care Centre, a public benefit company) with a registered office in the town of Litoměřice. The program has appealed to the management of DECCI for a couple of major reasons. First, it helps to educate children whose performance fails to meet expectations. Second, it is a great opportunity for university students to earn some extra money. These university students normally tutor the children twice or three times a week.
In 2015, the company DECCI servis s.r.o. supported the project called “Educating children in foster families and giving them a chance to develop”. This program helps children to prepare for school.
In 2016, 64 childrens were provided a total of 2599 lessons and the lessons clearly translated into better school performance of these children.